Monday, January 10, 2011

Dragon Age Orgins

Created by Bioware Dragon Age Orgins is one of the best games in fantasy role playing. The rich graphics, strong character development and fight techniques make this game stand out. Each character has an awe inspiring and unique storyline that will capture your imagination. Anyone looking for an incredible game should check this game out as I am sure it will become a classic.

The game starts out as any three characters human, elf, and dwarf. After you decide on a race then you get to decide on a class you have three options for mage, warrior, and rogue. Playing each race and class has a unique story. You start the game depending on which class and race you decide, after the starting story you become a Grey Warden who took an oath to stand against the evil darkspawn.

As the game progresses you take on more characters that you can play and customize at your will. The mage class has different schools of magic that you can choose that will effect how that character plays each with unique and powerful spells. You can choose the path of a healer, or an elemental mage harnessing the power of earth, cold, and fire. You can also choose a support path to buff your other characters giving them bonus's to attack and defense. You also can choose some of each although this will limit the power your mage has.
The warrior class you can choose to specialize in defense, attack, or support, also you can choose from two handed weapons or one handed with a shield. As your progress through the game you can learn more specialized skills and schools of attack as a warrior such a templar, beserker and others. The character development is one of the best features of this game. The rogue is an awesome character with short and long range attack, lock picking and stealing. You always will want to have a rogue in your party for these reasons. If you decide to play a rogue you should get his stealing talent up quickly so that you may steal from foes.

The story progression although interesting does lack in some areas. As I mentioned above each race and class has a unique starting story, but once you become a Grey Warden the story becomes the same for each. The choices you make in the game will vary the story somewhat and there are available side quests you may purchase as well. Leveling and game play are pretty straight forward, however there is no grind element so items and cash are limited. There is a limited crafting element that could be better, but this game is more for the fighting than crafting.

Overall this game is awesome. There are areas that could be improved on and I am sure Bioware will work to improve on this game in the future as I would expect nothing but the best from them. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves fantasy role playing to add to their collection.

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